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Did you know that DSPN members have access to these unique benefits?


  • Tangible work force solutions through our collaboration with Blitz Creative and their DSP Magnet Training program 

  • Representation in the Family Care rate reform project; DHS 88 advisory committee, and WCCEAL

  • A voice in the discussion around HCBS ARPA funded investments and systemic Family Care reform for the future based on our values of quality, inclusion, diversity, respect, and community 

  • Advocacy tools paired with active association support to help amplify your provider story for elected officials

  • Member representation around the Minimum Fee Schedule initiative and ongoing developments

  • Discounts from Associate Members on employee benefit options, insurance, tech solutions, workforce management software, and more 

  • Ongoing access to an association staff that is absolutely invested in your success – allow us an opportunity to be an indispensable resource to your organization!

  • Weekly Member specific update and Friday afternoon CEO Advocacy Update newsletter 


In-house expert representation and regular updates on legislation and department public policy



Educational membership meetings, an annual conference, and on-site staff trainings, led by in-house experts


Connect with a caring community of grassroots advocates enacting call-to-action advocacy and support


Discounts on products and services for your organization; including workers compensation insurance, case management software, 401k, staff training, and more!

Advocacy linked button

At DSPN, We are dedicated to serving the community by standing up and providing a voice for those who may not be able to speak on their behalf. 

Are you a CEO looking for a fresh perspective? Have you ever found yourself needing help, but didn't know where to turn? Look no further! Ask our network of CEOs for industry-tailored solutions. We get by with a little help from our friends!

As a member of DSPN, you will be sent a weekly newsletter, designed to update you on the latest news occurring in our industry. If you cannot find a specific update in your mailbox, look no further! Access our Update Archive today.

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